西洋文學概論 week five
- Audi: to listen
Ex. audio—of or relating to the sound that is heard on a recording or broadcast
2. Dia: through
Ex. dialogue—the things that are said by the characters in a story, movie, play, etc.
Ex. dialect—a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area and that uses some of its own words, grammar, and pronunciations
Ex. diameter—a straight line from one side of something (such as a circle) to the other side that passes through the center point
3. Sarcasm mock—諷刺文體
4. Mono: 單一
5. The: god
Ex. atheist theocracy 無神論者政教合一
6. Arbitrator (n.) a person who is chosen to settle a disagreement between people or groups
7. Capricious (adj.) changing often and quickly; especially : often changing suddenly in mood or behavior
8. Arch: order
Ex. anarchy (無政府狀態)
9. Patron (n.) a person chosen, named, or honored as a special guardian, protector, or supporter
Ex. Athens is named after its patron goddess.
Patronize (v.) to give money or support to (someone or something);to talk to (someone) in a way that shows that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people
Ex. Don't patronize me.
( patronize: to talk to (someone) in a way that shows that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people)
10. Dis: something negative
11. ium: 框線框起的範圍
Ex. equilibrium 平衡
Ex. aquarium 水族館
Ex. stadium 體育場
Ex. auditorium 禮堂
Ex. museum 博物館
Ex. coliseum(羅馬競技場)
12. caesarian(剖腹產)→caesar
13. Perseohone: the daughter of Demeter and Zeus; the wife of Hades and queen of the Underworld.