英文字彙與字源學 week three
(week two-Mid-autumn festival)
1. se-: away, separate 分開
ex. segregate: to separate groups of people because of their particular race, religion, etc.
ex. separate: to cause (two or more people or things) to stop being together, joined, or connected : to make (people or things) separate
2. Lunar: of or relating to the moon
Solar: of or relating to the sun/ produced by or using the sun's light or heat
3. Samuel Johnson: was an English writer who made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer
4. Lexicographer: an author or editor of a dictionary
5. tel-: far
ex. telephone: a system that uses wires and radio signals to send sounds (such as people's voices) over long distances
6. dia-: through
ex. dialect: a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area and that uses some of its own words, grammar, and pronunciations
ex. dialogue: the things that are said by the characters in a story, movie, play, etc.
8. in a quandary (quandary key word: difficulty)
9. in consensus (consensus keyword: agreement)
10. incongruous (adj.) strange because of not agreeing with what is usual or expected
inconsistency (n.) an instance of being inconsistent/ the quality or state of being inconsistent
11. de-: down, away from
ex. debilitate: weakening
12. artifact 加工品
13. extricate from
14. flames 發炎
15. inflammation: a condition in which a part of your body becomes red, swollen, and painful
16. around + 有形的物
17. meandering through
18. go meandering- be wondering
19. -itis
ex. bronchitis: medical : an illness in which your bronchial tubes become sore or damaged and you cough a lot
ex. gastritis: medical : a painful condition in which the inside surface of the stomach becomes inflamed
20. being filed against 被控告
21. drifting 漂流
22. be subordinate in 服從於