1. Baptism, confirmation, graduation, recruit training, initiation story---term explanation
Initiation story, also known as the coming-of-age story
2. Alice Munro was praised by peers
Alice Munro today enjoys an enviably high reputation among her peers.
Alice Munro was a girl raised on a farm
My father was a fox farmer. That is, he raised silver foxes, …… Fur Traders.
4. Terr- : earth, land ex. terrain
5. Nobel Prize in Literature
6. Magni- : big ex. magnificent (壯麗的), magnified (放大)
7. De- : set apart ex. deprived(剝奪)
8. Odour (英式)臭味
9. Penetrated into 滲透
p.138 penetrated all parts of the house 充斥著
10. Bronchitis 支氣管炎 (bron- 火花,it is- inflammation)
Bronchial 支氣管的
Sinusitis 鼻竇炎
11. Gastritis 打嗝
12. Climax of “Boys and Girls”: 知道死亡的那一刻
When I am dead, as dead I well may be
13. Synecdoche(修飾語法)---one stands for the rest of all
Ex. from head to toe
14. Protest
15. Mal- : bad ex. malicious(惡毒)
malevolent(惡意的) v.s. benevolent
16. Bene- : good ex. benefit
17. Stephen Foster
18. Mor- : death ex. mortal(凡人), mortify(腐壞), mortgage(房貸、車貸)
19. –ception : deception, perception, conception, misconception
20. 莎莎: 「有勇氣自殺,為何不活著?」