Week 6 (2014/10/16)
1. litter: things that have been thrown away and that are lying on the ground in a public place
a messy pile or group of things (胎---多胎動物)
dry material that is spread in a container and used as a toilet by animals (especially cats) while they are indoors
2. I can eat a horse. --- an exampke for hyperbole (誇張)
hyperbole(誇飾法) vs. understatement(輕描淡寫)
3. Using animals as metaphor
Example: as smart as dolphins
4. rule of pronunciation: 兩個子音相鄰,第一個不發音
Example: gnaw, knowledge, knife
5. The Loyal Swinegerd story (The Odyssey) (Wikipedia)
6. say grace (飯前禱告) (movie: Catch Me If You Can)
7. faint = pass up
8. shelter: (n.) a place that provides food and protection for people or animals that need assistance
(v.) protect from
9. spill the beans 露餡
10. vocabulary: phase: period of time
11. flirt 蕩婦
12. vocalist 歌手 vs. voice cast 配音
13. employ (v.)(use)
employee (n.)(used)
employer (n.)
14. nominate: to choose (someone or something) as a candidate for receiving an honor or award
a job, position, office, etc.
15. Six Patterns for English Chidren's Literature
a. picture books
b. fairy tales
c. fables
d. nursery rhymes
e. Fantasy/ Adventure (genre)
f. realistic fiction
16. camomile 洋甘菊
17. enchanting
I have never seen an enchanted castle before. (Beauty and the Beast)
Gregorian Chant 葛利果聖歌 (Youtube) (chant 魔咒)
18. Don't gey into mischief. 不要誤入歧途
19. bored, scared, excited, interested---people
boring, scraing, exciting, interesting---thing
20. -ly is the suffix standing for the adverb part of speech
except: friendly, lovely, elderly, deadly, cowardly---these are adjective
21. irregular verb: upset-upset-upset
22. Lady Godiva Peeping Tom