Week 10 (2014/11/13)
Week 9---Midterm
1. Chrysanthemum 菊花
菊花&劍 (菊花:日本家徽)
2. di: 一分為二
ex: divide, divorce, different
3. Maycomb---pun(雙關): may come
4. describing a town with the word "tired"---一成不變
5. to kill a mocking bird (quotations)
why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears (vedio)
7. Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears
characters: Mosquitoes→ Iguana (frighten)→ Python (scare)→ Rabbit (startle)→ Crow (alarm)→ Monkey (kill)→ baby owl
King Lion---call the assembly concil
conflict(resolution) of the story: the mother owl wakes the sun, the dawn(day) can come
cause & effect (chain effect)
leadership: listen to different perspective
8. The Faerie Queene is an "allegory", not Fantasy
allegory 政治寓言 ≠ Fable
9. Aesop's Fable: The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Wikipedia)
The North Wind and The Sun (Wikipedia)
Parable (a succinct, didactic story)
11. King James Bible 欽定版聖經 (Wikipedia)
Quiz time~