Week 12 (2014/11/27)
1. Idioms
beat a retreat: to run away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation
be neither one thing nor the other: to be a mixture of two different things, often things that do not combine well
2. be shamed to
shame on you
3. summon/ call a summit meeting 高峰會
4. pro: in favor of, many, much
examples: proliferation, protagonist, proponent, propose, approve (protagonist vs. antagonist)
Aesop is reported as a prolific writer, for he wrote many works at his time.
5. op. ob: opponent, obstacle, opposite (opponent vs. proponent)
6. assemble assembly
resemble resemblance
7. hare vs. rabbit
8. be apt to 有傾向,易於=inclined to
9. question 10 on quiz
'Don't stretch your arm any farther than your sleeve will reach.' 不要不自量力---The Monkey and the Camel
Gulliver's Travel, by Jonathan Swift
10. didacticism: a philosophy that emphasizes instructional and informative qualities in literature and other types of art
11. Fable ≠Fantasy