
Week 16 (2014/12/25)


1. prefix: ab: away from, off, outside of, opposite to

    example: abnormal, abaxial, aboral

2. Doubting Thomas


3. Colloquial Literature 通俗文學

    Colloquialism is the use of informalwords,phrases or even slang in a piece of writing

4. fun vs. funny


5. charm sth. out of sb. 從某人那裏探出某事/某物

    charm sb. into doing sth. 哄騙某人做某事

6. be blamed for 被怪罪

7. vocabulary: summon: to order sb. to come to a place; to ask for sb. or sth. to come

8. Christmas Carol: Hark the Herald Angels Sing


9. Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

28129-1.JPG tomsawyer.jpg    

10. The Secret Garden


11. disagreeable-looking people ever seen 顧人怨


25 questions on "Tom Sawyer":

1. How does Tom trick his friends into helping him whitewash the fence? He convinces them that the job is fun.

2. Why do Tom and Huck first go to the graveyard?  To charm away warts.

3. What is Jackson’s Island? A small island in the middle of the Mississippi River.

4. Who is Sid? Tom’s younger half-brother.

5. What does Injun Joe do after Tom testifies against him?  He flees out the window.

6. What insect does Tom release in church? A pinch-bug.

7. Who is blamed for the murder of Dr. Robinson? Muff Potter.

8. What does Tom do to win a Bible in Sunday school? He trades the other children for their tickets.

9. What does Huck do outside Tom’s window to summon him to their midnight adventures? He meows like a cat.

10. Who is the first of the boys to suggest abandoning the pirating expedition? Joe Harper.

11. Who is unaffected by the revival that sweeps through town? Tom Sawyer, who is sick at the time.

12. What day is bad luck for hunting buried treasure? Friday.

13. Why does Huck not go on the picnic? Because he has not been invited.

14. What happens when Tom and Joe learn to smoke? They get sick.

15. Who decides to have McDougal’s Cave bolted shut? Judge Thatcher.

16. What will become of the treasure Huck and Tom find?  It will be invested for the boys.

17. Who is the only person to hug Huck when the three boys return for the funeral? Aunt Polly.

18. Who adopts Huck Finn at the end of the novel?  The Widow Douglas.

19. Whom does Tom encounter in the cave? Injun Joe.

20. What keeps Injun Joe from finding Tom and Huck hidden upstairs in the haunted house? The staircase begins to crumble.

21. Why does Injun Joe want revenge on the Widow Douglas? Because her husband once punished and humiliated him.

22. Whom does Tom suspect of spilling ink on his spelling book? Himself.

23. What is Huck most afraid of when he and Tom return to the cave to find the treasure? Injun Joe’s ghost.

24. Who doesn’t believe Tom’s claim that he dreamed about things that occurred at home while he was pirating on Jackson’s Island? Sid.

25. What does Tom find behind door No. 2 at the Temperance Tavern? Whiskey and Injun Joe.



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