西洋文學概論 week two

    1.    medi/ mid: middle

ex. midterm—an examination given at the middle of a school term;the middle of a school term

ex. immediately—without any delay

2.      terr: earth

ex. territory—an area of land that belongs to or is controlled by a government

ex. terrain—land of a particular kind

3.      im: negative

mort: death

ex. immortal—not capable of dying;an immortal being (such as a god or goddess)

ex. impossibleunable to be done or to happennot possible

ex. mortala human beingcertain to die

4.    ium:an area raised above the surrounding ground

ex. stadium a very large usually roofless building that has a large open area surrounded by many rows of seats and that is used for sports events, concerts, etc.

5.    fair:beautiful




1.    Athena, Apollogod of wisdom

2.    Asclepiusgod of medicine and healing

3.    Dionethe Mother Goddess of Mount Olympos (Olympus)

4.    Poseidonthe lord the Sea


Was this the face that launched a thousand ships, and burnt the topless towers of Ilium?  ---- Chhristopher Marlowe


Athens is named after its patron goddess, Athena.

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