西洋文學概論 week eight
1. Orestes—Agamemnon’s son
2. Atlas
3. Earthquake god→god of sea→Poseidon
4. Exile 放逐
5. The red-haired king→son of Atreus→captain of armies→King Menelaus
6. Sisyphus's rock徒勞無功
7. Nymph 女神
8. Nymphomaniac (n.) excessive sexual desire by a female
9. Mentor (n.) someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person
ex. After college, her professor became her close friend and mentor.
10. Para=beside/beyond/against
11. Bard 詩人
12. Lyre 豎琴
13. Nausicaa
14. Tiresias—was a blind prophet of Thebes, famous for clairvoyance and for being transformed into a woman for seven years.
15. Penelope and The Suitors
16. Hermes—god of trade
17. fair 漂亮的、美好的
18. mort/ morg/ mor: death
mortician 入殮師