西洋文學概論 week ten

(week nine- mid-term)


1.      Prometheus —theft of fire

                                     —Creation of man from clay

2.      Malicious —evil intention

3.      Malignant tumor 惡性腫瘤

4.      Malign —causing or intended to cause harm

5.      Malevolent gossip 惡意的八卦

6.      Obstacle —something that makes it difficult to do something

                      —an object that you have to go around or over : something that blocks your path

7.      Obscene —relating to sex in an indecent or offensive way

                     —very offensive in usually a shocking way

                      so large an amount or size as to be very shocking or unfair

8.      Obesity —a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body

9.      Ob- : something negative

10.  Tragedy —goat-song


                    —human suffering

                    —catharsis( purification, cleansing) is the purification and purgation of emotion

                    —renewal and restoration

                    —Aristotle in the Poetics

                    —Aeschylus is the creator of tragedy

11.  Dandy —a man who cares too much about his clothing and personal appearance

                 —something that is very good or impressive : a very good example of something

12.  Innovation v.s. renovation

13.  Dionysus —son of Zeus and the mortal Semele

                    —the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine

                     —god of fertility

14.  The Dionysia 戲劇節 (lasted for four or five days, in an open-air theater)

15.  Spec- : to look

      Ideal spectator

16.  Di- : 一分為二


Ex. dilemma 兩難


Ex. divorce

      Ex. different

17.  Trilogy 三部曲

18.  Ab- : 負面

      Ex. abduct to take (someone) away from a place by force

19.  predator —an animal that lives by killing and eating other animals : an animal that preys on other animals

                     —a person who looks for other people in order to use, control, or harm them in some way

20.  prey —an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food

              —someone who is easily harmed or affected in a bad way by someone or something

21.  net —Zeus’s justice

22.  There’s your signal clear and true, my queen! — Clytemnastra

23.  soaked in dew 餐風露宿

24.  beacon烽火

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