西洋文學概論 week thirteen
1. period(時期) v.s. genre(類型)
2. Aeschylus: the creator of tragedy
3. 三大悲劇詩人: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides (伯羅奔尼撒戰爭期間)
4. mock: make fun of
5. mag: big
ex. magnificent: very beautiful or impressive : very great
ex. magnifying glass 放大鏡
ex. magnitude: the size, extent, or importance of something
6. the Healer: Apollo (p.612)
7. Aristotle: Plato’s academy, born in Macedonia, dominate power in Greek world
8. excerpt: a part or segment of a passage taken from a book, speech, play
9. six elements: Plot, Character, Language, Thought, Spectacle, Melody (the most important one is the Plot)
10. reversal 轉折
11. fame: good reputation
12. infamous: without good reputation
13. “You were a gift”
14. “Your ankles”
15. cradle 搖籃
16. blasphemer 褻瀆神的人
17. oblivion 荒涼
18. I fathered you in the soil that gave me life. → Jocasta
1. mimesis: imitation, representation, mimicry
2. catharsis (p.780)
3. moira: fate
4. drama: fiction, performance, actors, stage, audience
5. tragedy: drama, suffering, catharsis
6. hamartia (tragic flaw) (flaw: 小缺點)
7. dramatic irony