西洋文學概論 week fifteen
1. millennium 千禧年
2. New Testament- Greek Hebrew Bible- Hebrew
3. Solomon was famous for his wisdom
4. David famous for wisdom (大衛之星)
5. "mono" stands for "one"
6. "the" stands for "god" (monotheist 一神論者, atheist 無神論者)
7. U.S. support Israel after World War Two
8. "dia" stands for through
ex. diaspora 離散
ex. dialogue- the word go through us
9. "di", "dis" - 負面、一分為二
ex. dispersal
10. Iris- god of rainbow
11. The Chosen One- to be suffered
12. "cir"- circle
13. "cision"- 精確、剪
14. historical basement: reason, faith
15. enlightment 啟蒙
16. god is male (Adam 依照自己形象造了第一個人)
17. "wo"- within , rib 肋骨 , woman- within the man
18. Adam's apple 喉結
19. serpent 響尾蛇
20. fig 無花果
21. Eden 伊甸園
22. cunning 機智、狡詐
24. "fra" 破碎、片段
考題: rib, serpent, fig
25. michelangelo sistine chapel
26. labor 生產
27. raven 大烏鴉
28. crow 小烏鴉
29. "ab" 負面
abstain from sex 禁慾
30. adultary
Text book: p.34, p.39, p.42, p.46, p.51, p.65
Quiz: question 7, 9, 29