1. Poetic subgenres:
(1) Narrative poetry
(2) Lyric Poetry
(3) The Dramatic Monologue
p.677 Lyric Poetry (抒情詩,頌)(較短) include ode and elegy (lyre七弦琴)
the earliest "lyrics" in the Greek were likely associated with religious, occasions and feelings
elegy→celebration, praise, mourning
2. A40→p.805 metaphor (compare!)
That time of year thou mayst in me behold
3. glee, gay→happy
bliss is a state of extreme happiness
solitude is the state or situation of being alone
the bliss of solitude is the extreme happiness you feel when you are alone
5. Ode on a Grecian Urn by John Keats p.1098
Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
I believe that man will not merely endure; he will prevail.
7. p.879 an example for typical elegy (lemand: feel sorry for)
8. To Helen
10. Because I could not stop for Death
11. p.878
gentle/ good night→oxymoron
12. Oedipus—Sphinx's riddle (swollen anklle)
13. Robert Frost—Stopping by woods on a snowy evening
14. the end of the world—Skeeter Davis