1. Romance—羅曼史
—傳奇(才子、佳人) e.g.Le Morte d'Arthur, Don Quixote(chivalric novel)
—感性的主角 vs. 理性的隨從 e.g. The Lord of the Rings(high fantasy): Frodo Baggins vs. Sancho Panza
Frodo Baggins
song: To Dream the Impossible Dream
root: ex- stands for out
2. Ballad 音樂性、重複性 (p.A2)→preface to the lyrical Ballads
Sir Patrick Spens (p.849)
review: irony
synedoche: one stands for rest of all (e.g. from sole to crown)
p.675 Richard Cory (poem)
p.1081 in Just- (poem)
review: Dionysus
fragility (n.)
fragile (a.): easily broken or damaged/ very delicate/ not strong
Somewhere I Have Never Travelled Galdly Beyond
simile: included key words "like" and "as"
metaphor: without the word "like" and "as"
song: 崇拜
p.808 A Red, Red Rose (poem)→愛到海枯石爛