1. p.721 I celebrate myself, and sing myself, p.1118
Walt Whitman—Leaves of Grass (obscene literature) (poetry)
→preffix: ob
e.g. obscene淫穢的/ oblivion 遺忘/ oblivious 無視/ obscure 晦澀/ obstacle 障礙
The Philosophy of Composition (Semiotics 符號學)
✽Free Verse
✽carpe diem = seize the day
2. type of good teacher
Dead Poets Society (IMDb) (Oh Captain! My Captain)
The Freedom Writers Diary (IMDb)
To Sir, with Love (IMDb) (sir for male, ma'am for female)
3. conceit 虛榮
4. No Man Is an Island (poetry) for whom the bell tolls
6. A Passage to India by E.M. Forster
7. The Flea by John Donne (poetry)
8. Danae and the Golden Shower
first paragraph: Why chosen this article