Week Five (2015.3.26) --- Finding Forrester

Movie Watching~Finding Forrester (IMDb)

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Week Four (2015.3.19) --- Finding Forester

Finding Forester (IMDb)

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 Week Three (2015.3.12) --- The Catcher in the Rye

Quiz for "The Catcher in the Rye" (25 questions)

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Week Two (2015.3.5) --- The Catcher in the Rye
Discussing over the content and some quotes

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Week One (2015. 2.26)---Orientation

  • two category of English-literature learning: genre & period
  • when 2 nouns come together (compound noun) --- define the later noun first

          e.g. Young-adult fiction

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Week 16 (2014/12/25)


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Week 15 (2014/12/18)


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Week 14 (2014/12/11)

1. vocabulary: peculiar: not usual or normal

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Week 13 (2014/12/4)

1. he's the toast 他死定了/他是我的囊中物了   (情境喜劇)

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Week 12 (2014/11/27)

1. Idioms

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