西洋文學概論 week sixteen
1. Notes
(1) 討論期末考考題
(2) fall- 瀑布 (count noun)、跌倒 (I fell to the ground.)
(3) gen-: birth, beginning (ex. gene, generator, genesis)
(4) covenant 盟約
(5) sc-, cr-: 噪音 (ex. scattered: to cause (things or people) to separate and go in different directions)
(6) Joseph: the smallest son of Jacob's 12 sons
(7) Potiphar
(8) famine 大飢荒
(9) Joseph interpret Pharaoh's dream
(10) 40 years- 磨難很長
(11) ten commandments 十誡
(12) blasphemy: great disrespect shown to God or to something holy
(13) suffering servant
(14) our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name
(15) Lord's Prayer- Anglican
(16) Episcopal Church
(17) Parables (example: 浪子回頭記)
(18) Jason
(19) fleece 羊毛
2. Vocabulary
(1) allergy (n.) : a medical condition that causes someone to become sick after eating, touching, or breathing something that is harmless to most people
ex. Many people have some form of allergy.
(2) antibiotic (n.) medical : a drug that is used to kill harmful bacteria and to cure infections
ex. The doctor gave me some antibiotics for my cold.
(3) asthma (n.) medical : a physical condition that makes it difficult for someone to breathe
ex. My asthma gets much worse at night and during humid weather.
(4) attribute (v.) : to explain by indicating a cause <attributed his success to his coach>
ex. Anne attributed his lack of energy to a cold that was going around.
(5) biopsy (n.) medical : the removal of tissue, cells, or fluids from someone's body in order to check for illness
ex. The biopsy was performed on Tuesday, and I got the results on Friday.
(6) cardiac (adj.) medical : of or relating to the heart
ex. Aerobic exercise is believed to improve cardiac health.
(7) chemo (n.) 化療
ex. The worst part of chemo for many patients is the nausea afterwards.
(8) cognitive (adj.) : of, relating to, or involving conscious mental activities (such as thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering)
ex. Homo sapiens' survival is founded in their filling an evolutionary niche referred to as the cognitive niche. —Daniel Grassam, Skeptical Inquirer, July/August 2001
(9) compression (n.) : the act, process, or result of compressing especially when involving a compressing force on a bodily part<compression of an artery by forceps> <compression of the brain by the bones of a depressed fracture>
ex. The pain in your lower back is likely caused by compression of the nerves.
(10) contaminate (v.) : to make (something) dangerous, dirty, or impure by adding something harmful or undesirable to it
ex. Be careful not to allow bacteria to contaminate the wound.
(11) contract (v.) : to become ill with (a disease)
ex. The muscle expands and then contracts.
(12) diarrhea (n.) medical : an illness that causes you to pass waste from your body very frequently and in liquid rather than solid form
ex. The symptoms of the disease include fever, nausea, anddiarrhea.
(13) donor (n.) : a person who gives something (such as blood or a body organ) so that it can be given to someone who needs it
ex. She is one of the charity's major donors.
(14) fluctuate (v.) : to change level, strength, or value frequently
ex. In the desert, the temperature fluctuates dramatically.
(15) fracture (v.) : to cause a crack or break in (something hard, such as a bone)
ex. Her wrist fractured when she fell on the ice.
(16) hangover (n.) : a sick feeling or condition that comes after drinking too much alcohol at an earlier time
ex. She woke up with a hangover.
(17) implement (v.) : to begin to do or use (something, such as a plan) : to make (something) active or effective
ex. I wondered how I might best implement his plan.
(18) incidence (n.) : the number of times something happens or develops : the rate at which something occurs
ex. a high incidence of criminal behavior
(19) isolate (v.) : to put or keep (someone or something) in a place or situation that is separate from others
ex. These policies will only serve to isolate the country politically and economically.
(20) mortality (n.) : the number of deaths that occur in a particular time or place
ex. a leading cause of mortality
(21) outbreak (n.) : a sudden start or increase of fighting or disease
ex. <there was an immediate outbreak of paper shuffling and a pretense of work when the supervisor passed through the room>
(22) paralyze (v.) : to make (a person or animal) unable to move or feel all or part of the body
ex. The snake's venom paralyzed the mouse.
(23) perception (n.) : the ability to understand or notice something easily
ex. <a growing perception of the enormity of the problem>
(24) pharmacist (n.) : a person whose job is to prepare and sell the drugs and medicines that a doctor prescribes for patients
ex. <the pharmacist caught an error in the prescription's dosage>
(25) physician (n.) : a medical doctor; especially : a medical doctor who is not a surgeon
ex. <you should always consult a physician if you develop a high fever>