Week 2 (2014/9/18)
Quiz on Winnie-the-Pooh (basic knowledge)
1. Pronunciation: Eeyore, Aeschylus (字首E, A不發音)
2. Emphasis: 中國同盟思想、文以載道,不適用於西方兒童文學
3. Do not say "Oh my God!" (replaced with Oh gosh! / Oh my goodness! / Oh, brother!)
4. Aesop's Fable(Gutenberg EBook): "One man's meat is another man's poison."
"When a neighbor's house is on fire, you better look at yours."
→ moral issue
5. Aesop's Fable: The Ass Eating Thistles (thistle: something pricky, sharp)
6. Vocabulary: viands (n.) an item of food / a stock or supply of foods
malt (n.) grain and especially barley that is soaked in water and used in making alcoholic drinks (such as beer and whiskey)
7. Song: Today-John Denver (lyrics)
8. Abbreviation: TGIF (Thanks God It's Friday)
9. climax (conflicts): dramatic irony
10. Ursula K. Le Guin-an American author of novels