Week 3 (2014/9/25)
Quiz on Charlotte's Web (basic information)
1. Prefix pro-: in favor of, many, much
E.g. protagonist (n.) the main character in a novel
proliferate (v.) to increase in number or amount quickly (proliferation n.)
2. some pig 感嘆語
3. Vocabulary: promise (n.)(v.)
a promise is supposed to be kept
keep/ break/ make a promise
4. Vocabulary: gullible (a.) easy to fool
5. barn spider: Araneus cavaticus, commonly known as the barn spider, is a common orb-weaver spider native to North America.
6. understatement 輕描淡寫 V.S. hyperbole 誇張
7. Salu 致敬 (Charlotte's Web p.23)
8. Seven deadly sins V.S. Seven virtues
9. pum 雙關語
10. Divine Comedy: an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri
11. Charlotte's Web (IMDb)
12. Good things come to those who wait.