Week 4 (2014/10/2)
Quiz on quotation of Charlotte's Web
1. spread butter/ news/ germ
2. Suffix→ part of speech (strength→strengthen)
Prefix→ change the meaning of the word(ease→disease)
補充: at ease 稍息
3. Alice in Wonderland
off his head---Queen of Hearts
flamingo cricket
4. Desperado (using metaphor)(lyrics)
5. Jesus knocking at the door of your heart
6. You've gone/ be!en too far! 你太超過了!
7. carbon copy (c.c.) xerox copy 影本
fair exhibit (Canon)
Kotex (pad)
q-LIP (Tulip)
Kleenex service (tissue)
8. Pronunciation: "h" is not pronounced in the following words
exhibit, vehicle, herbal treatment
9. state fair (faris wheel) Bridges over Madison County
10. onomatopoeia 擬聲詞
11. define hen pecker: 怕老婆的人
12. Prefix: ab-: something bad
E.g. abolish, aboriginal, abnormal, abortion(墮胎)
climax (complication), falling action(anti-climax)
14. Prefix: de-: down
E.g. decline, depreciation, departure, denouement