英文字彙與字源學 week ten
(week nine- mid-term)
- congregate: to come together in a group or crowd
- segregate: to separate groups of people because of their particular race, religion, etc.
- syn: with ex. synchrony: a state in which things happen, move, or exist at the same time
- chron: time
- dispute
- disagreement
- mediator: one that mediates; especially : one that mediates between parties at variance
- Primary election 初選
- malnutrition: : the unhealthy condition that results from not eating enough food or not eating enough healthy food : poor nutrition
- insane-: If you describe a decision or action as insane, you think it is very foolish or excessive.
- be bereft of
- immigrants: a person who comes to a country to live there
- adaptation: something that is adapted; especially : a movie, book, play, etc., that is changed so that it can be presented in another form
amnesia-: If someone is suffering from amnesia, they have lost their memory.
feud-: If one person or group feuds with another, they have a quarrel that lasts a long time. You can also say that two people or groups feud.
headstrong-: If you refer to someone as headstrong, you are slightly critical of the fact that they are determined to do what they want.
- be admitted to
- bar: a straight piece (as of wood or metal) that is longer than it is wide and has any of various uses (as for a lever, support, barrier, or fastening)
- orator: a person who makes speeches and is very good at making them
- mourning: the act of mourning for someone who has died
- lament: to express sorrow, regret, or unhappiness about something
- complement(n.)-Something that is a complement to something else complements it.
- compliment(v.)- If you compliment someone, you pay him or her a compliment.