英文字彙與字源學 week eleven
- thrilled
- undergo- do
Skyscraper-A skyscraper is a very tall building in a city.
- Star watching
Stalker- A stalker is someone who keeps following or contacting
someone else, especially a famous person or a person they used to
have a relationship with, in an annoying and frightening way. - Scrap(v.)- If you scrap something, you get rid of it or cancel it.
- deprivation of something
epitome of
ubiquitous- If you describe something or someone as ubiquitous, you
mean that they seem to be everywhere.
- In a row 連續
huff-: If you huff, you indicate that you are annoyed or offended about something, usually by the way that you say something.
placate- If you placate someone, you do or say something to make them stop feeling angry.
- be accustomed to
- Movie: catch me if you can
behind the bar
Capital hill
- re-: again ex. retro
- -gress: to go ex. progress, transgress
- be- ex. befriend, bewitch, bewilder
- movie: bedazzled
tavern 小酒館(英)
movie: 將計就計
entrapment(n.) - mal/male-something bad ex. malevolent, malicious, malignant
- bene-: good ex. beneficial, benefit, beneficiary (be beneficial to)
- muffin top
- -eum ex. coliseum
- Conscious(adj.)
- Conscience(n.)
- To beat a dead horse
- back to the drawing boards
- pec- ex. Henpecked, Special, Spacious, Specious
- pro-: in favor of ex. Proponent ex. Protagonist ó antagonist
- ob-: something negative ex. Obstacle
- Hydrometer
- ephemera蜉蝣