英文字彙與字源學 week fifteen
1. Obama Speech and Hark The Herald Angels Sing
2. brother’s keeper
3. beneficiary (bene-: good)
4. day in and day out 日以繼夜
5. stable 馬槽
6. redeeming 救贖
7. troop 軍隊
8. charity compassion goodwill
9. 信、望、愛 faith, hope, love
10. news English – first paragraph is composed of 5Ws 1H
11. unemployment rate
12. 商業用(一定用複數表達): commodities, assets, liabilities, securities
13. remove the tariff
14. exceed assets
15. meet obligations
16. bear market (decline, falling, decrease) v.s. bull market (rising, increase)
17. port-: 港口
18. portfolio 投資組合
19. ob–: 負面
Ex. obscure: not well-known : not known to most people
Ex. obsolescence: the condition of no longer being used or useful : the condition of being obsolete
20. on the verge of 瀕臨邊緣
21. –ant: 人
Ex. accountant
Ex. assistant
Ex. contestant
22. conduct an audit
23. cartel ex. OPEC (petroleum 石油-英式用法, pump the gas 加油)
24. dumping 傾銷
25. endless red tape 公文履行 (tape 戳章)
26. fixed incomes 死薪水
27. SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)
28. acute v.s. chronic
29. healing